You’ve heard of jomo, fomo and slowmo (bit of a stretch here?) Here comes NOLOW, the contraction between “No alcohol” and “Low consumption”. A cool new term to proudly limit your alcohol consumption!

A blessing for booze makers who, until now, saved their light drinks for women and struggled to stray from clichés about 0% branded consumption!

That’s the impulse from which L’Uzyne imagined a new tactical sampling action plan for Kronenbourg and its brands Tourtel Twist, 1664 and Grimbergen.

To get cold-beer lovers and 0% enthusiasts to meet, and to finally celebrate the taste and conviviality of those drinks that men long stayed away from.

L’Uzyne gives you 3 good reasons to cheer differently with brands from the Kronenbourg group!

  • 360 Activation
  • Sampling
  • Street Marketing

With a massive sampling campaign, L’Uzyne has enabled brands to meet customers and create differentiating and impactful consumer experiences!

Tourtel Twist is the good-times beer, for moments shared with friends and family at any time of the day! From gas stations turned into leisure centers to Neighbors day, L’Uzyne has gathered consumers around true moments of conviviality.

For 1664, it’s all about being French and proud of it (oui monsieur!). So, for all beer lovers who enjoy sharing a pint amongst friends without having to sacrifice their 6 packs (see what we did there!), L’Uzyne offered a 1664 0.0° paired with “healthy” meals provided by selected food partners.

Finally, for Grimbergen, the most contemporary abbey beer in France, a real foodie activation around “food pairing” allowed the consumer to associate the product with a real gourmet moment.

Convinced? The next round is on us!